My furbabies loved their kangaroo meat! So fresh! Will be getting more treats!

— S. Wynne

My babies love their treats, beef toe nails are a favorite long lasting chew! Peta is nothing but a pleasure to deal with and is amazingly helpful!

— S. Holmes

My puppies loved their treats supplied by Luv a Bull Pets. All natural treats at a great price and great for your dogs teeths and health. Peta was a pleasure to deal with and will certainly be purchasing more products for my family thru luv a Bulls

— J. Luhr


Richie loves his amazing shark cartlidge!!!! It's great to clean teeth and is a healthy and safe snack!!! Lexie loves hers too but she's eats them a bit faster and with a little less delicate

— E.Parnell

Received our Raw 4 Paws and the girls loved it. Found that it has all natural raw ingredients. Our girls have skin irritations to certain foods, but found that this food hasn't set any irritations off. With all fresh ingredients we won't be buying anywhere else. Peta has been fantastic to deal with too. Very happy customer

— S.Stocker



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